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Orthodox Christianity has been described in the West, as "the best kept secret". 

This treasure should not be a secret. For decades most Orthodox parishes in "the West" were established by emigrant communities to serve their people. They placed less emphasis on mission. Unfortunately some parishes have been more 'ethnic' and less Christian - less welcoming to enquirers than our faith demands.

This is changing, thank God. Increasing numbers of people are searching for The Church - for unchanging beliefs, more liturgical and less self-centered worship, for deeper and transformative communion with God.

Anyone who searches earnestly, will know that Orthodoxy has the fullness of the Christian faith - the pearl of great price.

Social media and the internet may not always offer the best introductions. Anyone with half a mind to write about Orthodoxy unfortunately often does! (e.g. me)

I offer to any enquirers some links and recommendations which are generally considered by most of the orthodox world to be "sound". 

Visit your local Orthodox Christian church and ask to speak with the priest.

I pray the Holy Spirit leads you home.


The Orthodox Study Bible.

Translations matter and study notes matter a lot. Many modern translations clearly lead people towards Western (mis) understandings. This translation is competent and the notes are excellent. Also available as an app! Ours is the Church which put together the bible.

"The Orthodox Way" Bishop Kallistos Ware - who shows the meaning of Orthodox doctrine for the life of the individual Christian. His other book.. .also a classic "The Orthodox Church"traces the history and development of  the apostolic church.

For the Life of the World.  Fr. Alexander Schmemman. 

In For the Life of the World Alexander Schmemann suggests an approach to the world and life within it, which stems from the liturgical experience of the Orthodox Church. He understands issues such as secularism and Christian culture from the perspective of the unbroken experience of the Church, as revealed and communicated in her worship, in her liturgy - the sacrament of the world, the sacrament of the Kingdom.

"An Introduction to God - Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity" by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick. 

"Thirsting for God in a land of Shallow Wells" by Matthew Gallatin

Ideal for people from a protestant background who have difficulty seeing clearly through their coloured glasses. 

Wounded by Love

We love and venerate our Saints. They are people who have  travelled the narrow way and succeeded and we celebrate and study their lives and sayings. St Porphyrios is one of the most beloved miracle working, clairvoyant, prophetic and grace laden modern day saints of Greece and this book reveals him to us ( and through him, our Lord) ..

Discover the Church

An excellent concise step by step guide to what the Orthodox Church teaches.

Buying books in Australia? I recommend the large range at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Bookshop.


Ancient Faith Ministries is an incredible online resource with many offerings including radio, podcasts, and a wonderful collection of writers who blog

Rock & Sand

This is the first of two videos where Fr. Josiah Trenham discusses his book by the same title. This is an excellent examination of the protestant world through the Orthodox eyes of a former protestant.

Be the Bee

Over 100 brief, fun yet theologically sound videos explaining our faith in an easily understandable manner.

A former feminist turned Orthodox. The wife of a priest. She speaks and writes well. All her books are excellent

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