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Orthdox Mission Sierra Leone 
Fr Themistocles Adamopoulos
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Paradise 4 Kids (P4K) aka Paradise Kids 4 Africa (PK4A)
is an organization raising funds for faith, food and education in some of the poorest nations on Earth. It is run entirely by volunteers. They sponsor missions & missionaries, concentrating on education and health especially for orphans and other children.


Among the missions they support, is Fr. Themi Adamopoulos' Orthodox mission in Sierra Leone. Fr. Themi has made it his life work to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them, and to meet their needs, (food, clothing, education, support)  in the name of Jesus and through the love of Jesus.


There are 4 distinct organizations:- Paradise 4 Kids Australia, United States, United Kingdom and soon the European Union. They share one website, one faith, one goal and one Gospel - the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They seek to fulfill His words (Matt 25), to help those who hunger, thirst, the naked, the sick and the forgotten.

On average, more than 90% of all funds collected for Approved Grants are sent to and dispersed by the Mission Beneficiaries, who send monthly financial & photographic reports.


PK4A & P4K pay no salaries, have no staff, operate no offices and
own no property. All the work is done by volunteers. Accountability and transparency are of the utmost importance. They strive to be good stewards in our Lord’s Vineyard, inasmuch that they may
hear the words “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!”

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Fr Themi was once a rock star. His story is a fascinating and edifying one.

See this video

See more interviews


“The rich exist for the sake of the poor. The poor exist for the salvation of the rich.”
— St. John Chrysostom

 Please give what you can

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